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Entrepreneurship William Bygrave Andrew Zacharakis Pdf Creator

понедельник 03 декабря admin 22

Book Description Entrepreneurship 3rd Edition combines concepts and cases while presenting the latest theories of entrepreneurship. The concepts cover what aspiring entrepreneurs need to know to start and grow their businesses and the cases tell the stories of real entrepreneurs. The authors cover all stages of the entrepreneurial process from searching for an opportunity to shaping it into a commercially attractive product or service, launching the new venture, and building it into a viable business.

Through a combination of practical instruction and a range of real-life examples, Entrepreneurship helps prepare students for their future roles in building, managing and growing businesses.

Entrepreneurship, 3rd Edition by Andrew Zacharakis, William D. Bygrave Stay ahead with the world's most comprehensive technology and business learning platform. With Safari, you learn the way you learn best.

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