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Essentials Of Strategic Management Gamble Pdf To Excel

воскресенье 24 марта admin 28

Essentials Management presents a conceptually strong treatment of strategic management principles and analytic approaches that features straight-to-the-point discussions, timely examples, and a writing style that captures the interest of students. The standout features of this fifth edition of Essentials Management are its concisely written and robust coverage of strategic management con足cepts and its compelling collection of cases.

Presents a conceptually strong treatment of strategic management principles and analytic approaches that features straight-to-the-point discussions, timely examples, and a writing style that captures the interest of students. The fundamental edition is very much in step with the best academic thinking and contemporary management practice. The chapter content continues to be solidly mainstream and balanced, mirroring both the penetrating insight thought and the pragmatism of real-world strategic management.

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