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Fluke Ti30 Driver Windows 7

среда 03 октября admin 89

Product: Software for Microsoft Windows(R) 2000/XP/Vista InsideIR Software for use with Fluke Thermal Imagers Ti20 and Ti30 Version: 4.0.1 Date: April 2008.

September 10, 2007 - Everett, Wash. - Fluke upgraded its InsideIR software, a Windows-based PC application for thermal analysis and reporting that is included with Fluke Ti20 and Ti30 Thermal Imagers.

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The application features tools that are designed to help users more easily identify and analyze captured images, and use them to plan thermography inspection routes and generate reports including temperature spots, histograms, isotherms, and emissivity and temperature compensation. The new InsideIR 4.0 upgrade features advanced analysis tools including points, lines, rectangles, ellipses, polygons and curved areas, as well as trending capability and an enhanced profile tool. It supports increased routing flexibility and provides users with reporting enhancements including trending and the ability to generate reports of up to four pages per image. Now available in ten languages, InsideIR software automatically checks the Fluke Web site and notifies the user if a newer version of software is available. An unlimited-use license of InsideIR software is included with each Fluke Ti20 and Ti30 Thermal Imager. The Version 4.0 upgrade of InsideIR software is available immediately as a free download to Fluke Ti20 and Ti30 users at.

Fluke ti30 manual

Fluke Corporation Fluke Corporation is the world leader in compact, professional electronic test tools. Fluke customers are technicians, engineers, electricians and metrologists who install, troubleshoot, and manage industrial electrical and electronic equipment and calibration processes for quality control.

I promised myself that I would stop buying thermal cameras now that I have retired. Well I broke my promise today. A week or so ago I found a decent thermal camera advertised on ebay for £300. I resisted it at the time. Today I saw that price had dropped to £250.

The little devil inside me won the argument in my brain and I 'pulled the trigger' and bought it. What camera did I buy? It is a Raytek Ti30 circa 2005 model with 160 x 120 pixel A-Si microbolometer and 20fps frame rate. It has internal storage for 100 images, USB connectivity and a manual focus lens (that I believe to be a quality Germanium optical block that is worth the asking price on its own). The camera comes with some very nice software designed for preventative maintenance monitoring. New firmware and software versions are still available for download, as I will detail in a moment. The title Raytek Ti30 may not be familiar to some readers, so how about FLUKE Ti30?