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License File For Quartus 2 Tutorial
воскресенье 03 февраля admin 12
Download Quartus Prime software, and any other software products you want to install, into a temporary directory. Download device support files into the same directory as the Quartus Prime software installation file. If you want to use add-on software, download the files from the Additional Software tab. Save the files to the same temporary directory as the Quartus Prime software installation file. Run the QuartusLiteSetup- file.
The Quartus II software version 13.0sp1 supports the following device families: Arria II, Cyclone II, Cyclone III, Cyclone IV (includes all variations), Cyclone V (includes all variations), and MAX II, MAX V, MAX 3000, MAX 7000.
All software and components downloaded into the same temporary directory are automatically installed; however, stand-alone software must be installed separately. Add-on Software If you have already installed Quartus Prime software: 1. Download the add-on software you want to install. Run the downloaded installation file. If you have not already installed the Quartus Prime software: 1. Download the Quartus Prime software installation files, device files, and add-on software you want to install into the same temporary directory. Run the QuartusLiteSetup- file.
Stand-Alone Software 1. Download the stand-alone software you want to install into a temporary directory.
Run the downloaded installation file.
This tutorial shows you how to create the hardware equivalent of “Hello World”: a blinking LED. This is a simple exercise to get you started using the Intel® Quartus® software for FPGA development. You’ll learn to compile Verilog code, make pin assignments, create timing constraints, and then program the FPGA to blink one of the eight green user LEDs on the board.
You'll use a 50 MHz clock input (from the on-board oscillator) to drive a counter, and assign an LED to one of the counter output bits. Level: beginner Materials Hardware Terasic DE10-Nano kit The Terasic DE10-Nano development board, based on an Intel® Cyclone V SoC FPGA, provides a reconfigurable hardware design platform for makers, IoT developers and educators. You can buy the kit. Software Intel® Quartus® Prime Software Suite Lite Edition The FPGA design software used here is ideal for beginners as it’s free to download and no license file is required.
Lakewood oil filled heater model 5500 Follow up to my post of 13 January. Out of desperation, I took the heater apart and determined that an electrical fuse-like thermal overload device had opened on the neutral side of the feed to the heating element thus rendering the unit non-working.
You can download the software. Note: The installation files are large (several gigabytes) and can take a long time to download and install.
To minimize download time and disk space required, we recommend you download only those items necessary for this exercise. When prompted which files to download, uncheck “ Select All” and select only Quartus Prime and Cyclone V device support only. Once you’ve downloaded and installed the Intel® Quartus® software, you're ready to get started creating a project! Why is the Quartus download so big? The Quartus download contains several sophisticated tools to create a custom chip design, such as simulators, synthesis tools, place and route engines, timing analyzers, and device programmers, to name a few. Nearly all those functions are built into the Quartus Prime FPGA design software itself.