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Midwest Super Stearman Manuals In Pdf
пятница 12 октября admin 78
Comes with a world class instruction manual so your student can have the winning edge! Polyhedral wing. 24 pieces of rubber used in the Millennium or Super Delta Dart. CIM9902 MSRP $8.25. Stearman Pt-17 span 28'.
I just sent the manual, It was not as long as I had recalled, it's about 60 pages, but it turned out to be a rather large file. Let me know if you have any trouble receiving it or opening it. I hope you enjoy the build, if you look for the check marks in the manual, you can get an idea of where I am at with mine. I just got a note back that the e-mail did not goes through due to the size of the attachment. I will see if I can make a more manageable version. I have a newer scanner that I haven't worked with much, so I may need to change some settings.
I built a S-Stearman two wears ago. Powered it with a Saito 91. Covered with Fabric. Had to but 12 oz. Lead in the nose, most of it as re-shaped auto wheel balancing weightw(less steel clips) Bent and lait them inside the roll of a fiberglass cowl With epoxy flowed over them for a good looking finish. First flight was perfect. Had a club trainer put it throuth its paces.
Rolls, emmelman beautifully. He put it on its backand handed me the box. It flew with only a touch of up rudder lands like a dream. Had to dead stick it one time and hit prettry hard. Fipped on its back and skidded 20 ft on asphalt, flared the landing struts slightly (easily repaired) but did no other structural damage. Don FlyingPilgrim 05:46 AM. I started building my MW Stearman a couple of years ago and just haven't had the time to finish it up.
I had it framed up in about three months but I'm just now starting to cover it. I tried to remove as much tail weight as I could by drilling holes in the turtle deck bulk heads and I also hollowed out the balsa blocks used to shape the tail. I also decided to use pull-pull on the elev.
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To eliminate the weight of the push rods. I didn't think my mods would lighten the tail enough so I wouldn't have to add nose weight so I figured, if I have to add nose weight why not add it with a bigger engine. I going to use an old YS-120. After all, the full scale plane as a huge engine hanging on the nose. I hope to have it finished in a couple of months. Flicka5 05:48 PM. Yep, the one I own but did not build has a big roll of lead silicone rubbered to the inside of the cowl radiused corner.
Not good for the fiberglass cowl as bad landings tend to cause tares around the screw attachment holes due to the massive weight the screws are supporting. But, if you keep the weight behind the firewall, then of course more weight is required to balance, thus higher wing loading; not good. Mine started life flying off asphalt where the original builder, owner had little trouble with it until he tried it off the grass.
It still has plastic rub plates under the tips of the bottom wing to prevent damaging the covering if the tips drag on the asphalt. After he broke the landing gear mounting plate flying off grass by stubbing the wheels in the grass, he sold it to me as totally disgusted. I have flown several times off grass and it is easy to mess up and turn it over on its nose at landing, doing bad things to the heavy weighted cowl and stiff gear.
Peter Bejerholm 07:47 PM. I agree with Flicka - The best way to reach the right CG is to save weight in the back of the plane. I regret a little that I didn't change the balsa block in the rear end to somthing lighter. As I wrote in an earlier reply, I have 500 g lead hanging below the engine mounth, plus the quit heavy Dubro damped mounth, which give a total close to the 30 Oz.
The manual says 20 Oz. Regarding the choice of engine - I did by a second hand OS FT160 for the Stearman.
A beautiful engine (What a sound!). My argument was - Why put lead in the nose, when I can put in a nice engine instead. But when I saw my Buddy's Stearman with the TT.91 fourstroke I changed my mind. The Stearman is not a construction which need this oversized engines. I don't know how much power the YS 1.20 engine has, but you have to be careful not to overload the Stearman. I own a YS.91AC as well and it is indeed a more powerful series of engine than the OS. By the way, I have been wondering about the travel of the elevator.
The manual says 1' up and 7/16' down at high rate? This is my first biplane - I this normal on bipe? All the monoplane I'v build is trimmed with symmetrical travel. Don Mitchell 10:12 PM. Flicka et all---I personally don't think you can save enouch weight in the back to make a signiofiecnt contriburion to front loading. I also feel that an engine larger than the Saito 91 is over -power and will not contribute to good performance.