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Also, configuration of the card is performed and downloaded through SyCon. This time-saving step instantly makes all of the relevant PLC data available to your OPC client applications. Download free software modicon concept 26 software downloads. Supported Device Details • Modbus Plus ISA PC Adapter Card - Schneider part#: AM-SA85-030 • Modbus Plus PCI PC Adapter Card Schneider part#: 416 NHM 300 30 • Modbus Plus Type II PCMCIA Card - Schneider part#: 416 NHM 212 30 • Modbus Plus Type III PCMCIA Card - Schneider part#: 416 NHM 212 33 • Modbus Plus Type III PnP PCMCIA Card - Schneider part#: 416 NHM 212 34 • Hilscher CIF Card - For this configuration, the driver requires Hilscher's SyCon configuration software to be installed on the same machine as the card.
Usage Statistics for - November 2016 - Referrer Usage Statistics for Summary Period: November 2016 - Referrer Generated 01-Dec-2016 00:08 EST Hits Referrer ---------------- -------------------- 17034 34.56% - (Direct Request) 649 1.32% / 537 1.09% 533 1.08% 527 1.07% 437 0.89% 398 0.81% 393 0.80% 386 0.78% 384 0.78% 363 0.74% 348 0.71% 345 0.70% 336 0.68% 320 0.65% 317 0.64% 304 0.62% 296 0.60% 290 0.59% 263 0.53% 262 0.53% 254 0.52% 252 0.51% 251 0.51% 249 0.51% 244 0.49% 237 0.48% 234 0.47% 233 0.47% 225 0.46% 217 0.44% xf2 xe0 xe4 xe0 xf0 xe0 xe9 xe7.