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Tekken 5 Memory Card Pcsx2 Games
вторник 01 января admin 66
2- the ps2 game save you can find it in GameFAQs. 1- you must download the save matching your game region if you dont know your game region do. 5.556 Threads: 144. Now that pcsx2 works pretty well with Tekken 5, I believed it was playable enough for me to finish the game with all characters.
[quote]Or, even worse, CORRUPTED! D': That would be just horrible.[/quote] Generally this only seems to happen if you use non-Sony PS/PS2 memcards. N64/GC you can get away with it, but PS1/PS2 just seems to hate unofficial cards, especially PS2 ones. I originally had 3 cards but 2 went corrupt and one hasn't. Guess which one was the Sony card? As for PS1, if you're doing ANYTHING Square based, use an official.
For some reason, Square games (and ONLY Square games) seem to hate my unofficial cards. Every Sony brand Memory card I had has been corrupted within a couple months.
So, instead I bought one of those crazy multi-page ones and it's lasted me over 6 years. No, what I say is real. My official Sony cards work like a charm. I save Chrono Chross on my non-sony card, and IMMEDIATELY IT IS CORRUPT. I save say, Asteroids on there? I've had new AND used Sony cards.never a problem. I just picked up a bunch more new (and used) Sony PS1 memcards for backup purposes (mainly for Chocobo Racing since that game has potential to eat up an entire memory card by itself).
At least I only need 1 for my PS2 since I can transfer via USB between my PS2 and computer. [quote] Bullshit. Every Sony brand Memory card I had has been corrupted within a couple months. So, instead I bought one of those crazy multi-page ones and it's lasted me over 6 years.[/quote] No, what I say is real. Huawei e3372 driver windows 10. My official Sony cards work like a charm. I save Chrono Chross on my non-sony card, and IMMEDIATELY IT IS CORRUPT.
I save say, Asteroids on there? I've had new AND used Sony cards.never a problem. I just picked up a bunch more new (and used) Sony PS1 memcards for backup purposes (mainly for Chocobo Racing since that game has potential to eat up an entire memory card by itself). At least I only need 1 for my PS2 since I can transfer via USB between my PS2 and computer.
Furyune_SAMA rates this game: 5/5 One of my favorite sagas, and this is the one I liked the most (aside from tekken 7). Tekken was evolving by leaps and bounds in its combat system and this is not the exception. Several errors of the system were fixed, like the stun locks that were generated when corralling the opponent to the wall. The combat system was not the only one that improved, the story of the characters also evolved, as a sequel should do.
The incorporation of Kenpachi as the final boss leaves many opportunities for the characters we've long known, mainly if the story is played with any of the Mishima family, and I think it's a very interesting Namco movement to do * sign of approval *. My favorite character is Yoshimitsu, and I was very intrigued with the end they gave him. A recommended game for anyone who wants a good fighting game and wants to feel the power in their main character while comboing any other character. Terjemahan tafsir qurtubi pdf merger. Vlayko91 rates this game: 5/5 Tekken 5 is the sixth Tekken game. The game is credited for taking the series back to its roots. The game features 32 playable characters, the fourth largest amount of playable characters in a Tekken game, Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection has 35 characters. Tekken 5 was released in Arcades in North America in December 2004.