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Vzlet Programma Otchet
суббота 27 октября admin 24
This volume covers the global history of the Lysenko controversy, while exploring in greater depth the background of D. Lysenko’s career and influence in the USSR. By presenting the rise and fall of T.D. Lysenko in a variety of aspects—his influence upon art, unrecognized predecessors, and the extent to which genetics continued in the USSR even while he was in power, and the revival of his reputation today—the authors provide a fresh perspective on one of the most notorious episodes in the history of science.
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Similar words: (1.00) (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) deA Drug Enforcement Agency noun Administraciya po kontrolyu za primeneniem zakonov o narkotikah deC 1> Digital Equipment Corporation. 2> decrement.
Definitions; *2. Defaults (file name extensions) deL 1> simvol stiraniya, simvol otmeny (ot delete). Upravlyayushii simvol, ukazyvayushii na otmenu predydushego simvola. V kode ASCII predstavlen chislom 127. DeMARC Distributed Enterprise Management Architecture, raspredelennaya arhitektura upravleniya set'yu masshtaba predpriyatiya (razrabotana firmoi Banyan) deNDRAL 1> Ekspertnaya sistema dlya opredeleniya strukturnyh formul molekul organicheskih soedinenii. DeS description (file name extension) deS I Data Encryption Standard noun Standart shifrovaniya dannyh II Data Entry Sheet deT device Execute Trigger deV device deW-line 1> _spec. Liniya ili rubezh dal'nego radiolokacionnogo obnaruzheniya 'D'yu lain' deborah noun Debora deccan hemp 1> _bot.
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Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) december 1> dekabr' _Ex: december days dekabr'skie dni _Ex: in december v dekabre _Ex: december and May _obraz. Dekabr' i mai (staryi muzh i molodaya zhena) decembrist 1> _rus. Dekabrist decoration Day 1> _am. Den' pamyati pogibshih v voinah (30 maya) dedalian 1> _knizh. Slozhnyi; zaputannyi, kak labirint; hitroumnyi defence Establishment 1> _voen.
Vooruzhennye sily del. Delaware noun Delaver (shtat SShA) delaney amendment, delaney clause 1> _am. Zapreshenie ispol'zovat' pishevye dobavki ili inye veshestva, obladayushie kancerogennymi svoistvami delaware noun Delaver delhi noun g. Deli delian 1> delosskii _Id: delian problem trudnaya zadacha delilah 1> _bibl. Dalila; _obraz. Obol'stitel'nica della Robbia (ware) 1> glazurovannaya terrakota delphi 1> del'fiiskii metod, metod ekspertnyh ocenok (v prognostike; tzh.
Delphi method (technique, process, approach)) delphian 1> _dr-grech. Del'fiiskii _Ex: delphian oracle del'fiiskii orakul 2> tumannyi, neponyatnyi; dvusmyslennyi _Ex: delphian utterance dvusmyslennoe vyskazyvanie delphic 1> _dr-grech. Del'fiiskii _Ex: delphic oracle del'fiiskii orakul 2> tumannyi, neponyatnyi; dvusmyslennyi _Ex: delphic utterance dvusmyslennoe vyskazyvanie delphical 1> _dr-grech. Del'fiiskii _Ex: delphical oracle del'fiiskii orakul 2> tumannyi, neponyatnyi; dvusmyslennyi _Ex: delphical utterance dvusmyslennoe vyskazyvanie delphologia 1> nauka o metodah nadezhnogo prognozirovaniya (osob.
V nauke i tehnike) dem. Democrat- democratic noun demokrat, chlen demokraticheskoi partii- demokraticheskii, otnosyashiisya k demokraticheskoi partii demesne of the Crown 1> zemel'naya sobstvennost' korolevskoi sem'i democritean 1> demokritovskii, demokritov democritus 1> Demokrit demosthenes 1> Demosfen demosthenic 1> demosfenov(skii) 2> krasnorechivyi _Ex: D. Eloquence demosfenovskoe krasnorechie den(n)is noun Den(n)is den. Denbighshire noun Denbishir (grafstvo v Uel'se) denbigh(shire) noun Denbi(shir) denmark noun Daniya denver noun g. Denver deo volente 1>Spiderman 3 pc game sound files. _lat.
Esli gospodu budet ugodno department of Agriculture 1> Ministerstvo zemledeliya (v SShA) department of Labour 1> ministerstvo truda department of Overseas Tra de 1> departament vneshnei torgovli (Anglii) department of State 1> gosudarstvennyi departament, ministerstvo inostrannyh del (SShA) department of the Interior 1> ministerstvo vnutrennih del (v SShA i Kanade) department of the Navy 1> voenno-morskoe ministerstvo (SShA) department of the Treasury 1> (Treasury department) _am. Ministerstvo finansov (SShA) dept. Department noun; 1) upravlenie- otdel- departament; 2) ministerstvo- vedomstvo derby 1> derbi (skachki trehletok v Epsome) _Ex: D. Day den' ezhegodnyh skachek (v Anglii) _Ex: to run the derby uchastvovat' v derbi 2> skachki _Ex: the French derby francuzskie skachki 3> sorevnovanie; beg, gonka _Ex: bicycle derby velogonka _Id: derby dog neozhidannoe prepyatstvie derby(shire) noun Derbi(shir) derbyshire neck 1> _med. Zob derbyshire spar 1> _min. Plavikovyi shpat des Moines noun g. De-Moin desert Army 1> _voen.